A journey from consistently getting injured and no fitness results to unveiling an even more evolved version of himself
Aditya's primary objectives were:
- to address his recurring injuries,
- break through his fitness plateau, and
- improve his overall performance.
According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences, approximately 40% of all sports injuries are recurrent
A survey conducted by the American Council on Exercise found that nearly 73% of fitness enthusiasts have experienced a plateau
in their workout routine at some point.
To address Aditya's challenges and achieve his goals, we implemented a comprehensive approach that focused on several key areas:
Added mobility work and metcons to his workouts so that Adi trains according to his goals
Recovery was a top priority throughout.
Through awareness and knowledge, we reached a balanced plate for Adi, primarily cutting down on carbs.
Knee Rehab routines were provided based on the RLSS(release-lengthen-stabilise-strengthen) protocol
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